Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Smith
Welcome to Year 1
Please find some useful information about the school day below, and curriculum information within each of the relevant folders.
The Year 1 Team
Class Teacher: Mrs Smith
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Boardman
1 to 1 Support: Mrs Morgan
Morning registration
The children can come into their classroom from 8.40am, ready for the school day to begin with registration at 8.45am. If you have any concerns or information you need to share with staff, please come and knock on Year 1 class door before registration or after all the children have been collected at the end of the day. Please ensure children and younger siblings do not play in Reception's outdoor area or on the equipment.
End of the school day.
Please wait outside the gate on the infant playground, leading onto Reception outdoor area at the end of the school day. Always ensure that you contact the school office if your child is going home with another adult - as safeguarding procedures require this instruction.
Water bottles.
Please ensure that your child brings to school a named water bottle for them to drink from during the day. School provides fruit, however your child can also bring in two healthy snacks for morning and afternoon break.
Please label your child's school uniform (even ties and shoes) as it makes it very difficult for us to identify lost items. When playing games, the children will often take their jumpers and cardigans off and leave them on the yard which can result in staff spending a long time tracking belongings down.
Book bags.
If possible, please purchase a school book bag from the school office as they are extremely useful for keeping reading books and homework safe and organised (especially when extra worksheets are sent home). Rucksacks should be avoided due to space limitations on pegs. Book bags can fit easily in your child’s tray. Book bags need to be brought into school each day.
As you know, homework is an important part of consolidating the children’s knowledge of what they learn in school. The children will receive spellings homework on Fridays to be tested the following Friday. They will also receive an additional piece of homework linked to the curriculum on Friday. This will be due in on the following Wednesday. Each child will be given a book to complete their homework in.
The children will all take part in a daily phonics lesson. They will receive homework linked to their phonics group, this could be to practice sounds that have been taught or it could be word reading. Videos to support phonics at home will be send home via a QR code.
The children will all be given a home reading book which MUST come into school daily. This will be linked to their phonic level and will be decodable, however they will need your support and encouragement to read at home. Please sign and date their yellow reading record when you have heard them read at home, this will be monitored in school. They will also have an additional text linked to their phonic phase. Please ensure reading books are kept in their book bags and brought in daily as the day they are changed can change.
Your child will also bring home a library book, once a week for you share with them at home. Again, please ensure this book is kept safe and is brought into school with your child daily.
Year 1 has PE each Monday afternoon. The children should come into school wearing their PE kits on this day. On the cooler days, the children can wear plain black jogging bottoms or leggings over their PE shorts. Football kits and leisure wear are not permitted.