
Archdiocese consultation web page

At St William of York we can admit up to our standard admission number (i.e maximum of 30 pupils) into our Reception classes each year (total school capacity is 210 pupils).  All applications must be made by completing the Common Application Form for admission to Primary School and return it to the Local Authority.  An additional a supplementary faith form or Baptism Certificate should be completed and returned to school. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available the Governing Body will apply the over subscription criteria which is detailed in the Admissions Policy.

The process for admissions is timetabled as follows:


Booklets and common application forms will be available from the Admissions Section, Bootle Town Hall.

15th January:

Completed application forms must be returned by parents/carers to Admissions Section, Bootle Town Hall.  Supplementary faith forms or Baptism Certificate must be returned to the school.


Parents/carers will receive a letter from the Authority informing them of the allocated Primary School.

Summer term:

Appeals hearings will take place - see link below for Archdiocese Appeals information.

In-year Admissions:

See link below for information. 

In Year Admissions
Sefton Council Admissions
Archdiocese Appeals Information

Files to Download

St William of York
Catholic Primary School

St William Road Thornton L23 9XH

Martin Murphy | Headteacher

0151 924 7280

[email protected]

Mrs Middlehurst | School Business Manager

Mr C Davies | SENDCO

Together Everyone Achieves More

‘To go forward in Christ, to respect our neighbour and to always give our best.’