Year 2 2024 - 2025

Ms Gill

Welcome to Year 2.

Welcome to the Year 2 class page where we aim to keep you fully informed and involved in the learning experiences, which your children are having.  Please find some useful information about the school day below, and curriculum information within each of the relevant folders.

The Year 2 Team.

Class teacher:  Miss Gill

Teaching assistant:  Miss Parkinson

1:1 support:  Mrs Rennie and Miss Convery

Morning registration.

The children may come into their classroom from 8.40am, ready for the school day to begin with registration at 8.45am.

End of the school day.

Please wait outside the classroom door at the end of the school day.  Always ensure that you contact the school office if your child is going home with another adult - or another child in the class - as safeguarding procedures require this instruction.  Please also check that permission, regarding other adults collecting your children from school, is up to date at the school office.

Water bottles.

Please ensure that your child brings to school a water bottle for them to drink from during the day.  Please do not send your child with juice in their class water bottles as we encourage healthy options at all times. 


Please label your child’s school uniform as it makes it very difficult for us to identify lost items; we cannot be responsible for jumpers which are not clearly named.  When playing games, the children will often take their jumpers and cardigans off and leave them on the yard, which can result in staff spending a long time tracking belongings down.

Book bags.

If possible, please purchase school book bags from the school office as they are extremely useful for keeping reading books and homework safe and organised (especially when extra worksheets are sent home).  Rucksacks should be avoided due to space limitations.

Reading books and phonics instruction.

Reading underpins all learning and the role of parents in developing this skill is crucial.  In order to teach reading in a focused manner, the children are grouped according to their phonic knowledge and assigned a reading teacher.  The children will bring home a reading book every Monday, a book they shared in class, plus a further book, which is decodable which means the children have the phonic knowledge to read the text.  For further support, children receiving phonics instruction will be given QR codes for you to scan with either your phone or an iPad; the QR code will take you to a website we subscribe to.  The demonstration video will show you the sounds your child has focused on during the week; the video is useful as it provides further opportunities to practise these sounds within words and enables you to see what aspects of phonics teaching looks like.  Accessing the QR codes and reading on a daily basis at home will have a huge impact on the progress that your children make, I cannot emphasise how important this is in ensuring your children reach their full potential and we thank you in advance for your support.  Opportunities will be provided over the coming weeks to hear more about how reading is taught in our school and we would encourage you to come along.  Please ensure that your child has their reading book in school every day as opportunities can arise for further 1:1 reading sessions. 


Along with reading, spellings will be sent home with your child and again QR codes will take you to demonstration videos.  Please encourage your child to practise their spellings as often as possible as accurate spellers and competent readers are often the children who approach writing tasks with more confidence.  Along with ‘phonics spellings’ the children will be expected to practise ‘challenge’ words.  Again, we thank you in advance for your support.


Year 2 has PE each Thursday and Mr Davies will deliver our sessions.  The children should come into school wearing their PE kits on this day.  On cooler days, the children can wear plain black jogging bottoms or leggings.


* Please note, if you need to speak to me regarding any concerns you may have, please make an appointment at the school office and I will be happy to meet with you at a convenient time.




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St William of York
Catholic Primary School

St William Road Thornton L23 9XH

Martin Murphy | Headteacher

0151 924 7280

[email protected]

Mrs Middlehurst | School Business Manager

Mr C Davies | SENDCO

Together Everyone Achieves More

‘To go forward in Christ, to respect our neighbour and to always give our best.’